• Digital Anthropology Group Is Happening Now

    Updated: 2012-03-22 15:23:27
    This post is an attempt at a formal-ish sounding mission statement for our collective of anthropologists engaged, in many different ways, with digital concerns be they methodlogical or topical. If folks want to leave feedback in the comments section that’s always appreciated! You will notice that this statement says nothing about our organizational structure. We [...]

  • Anthropology: Five Books

    Updated: 2012-03-11 02:45:46
    In the comments section to one of my recent posts about Jared Diamond, SM reader Michael asks: Could anyone recommend some accessible anthropology literature? What would be 5 (or so) good books a generally educated person could read? I think this is a great question.  I actually asked a similar question last August in this [...]

  • Chicago right-prices some kindle titles

    Updated: 2012-03-08 01:39:20
    I don’t normally shill for publishers, but I did notice something the other day that I thought would be worth mentioning on the blog: University of Chicago Press has dropped the prices on much of its digital catalog to right around USD$5. In particular, many of the titles in their “Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, [...]

  • Occupy and Open Access in Anthropologies (and Elsewhere)

    Updated: 2012-03-07 03:31:53
    I wish to express thanks to Ryan Anderson  [@ethnografix] for his editorial work on the online magazine Anthropologies [@AnthroProject]. Specifically I would like to highlight the publication’s new issue (#12), which is thematically focused on “Occupy and Open Access.” I really appreciate Ryan’s invitation to contribute to the issue. My essay is titled “We are [...]

  • Spike TV & National Geographic: Glorifying Looting

    Updated: 2012-03-04 18:23:27
    And now for some news on the archaeology and stupid-TV-show-ideas front.  Total #NationalGeographicFAIL and #SpikeTVFail at the same time.  A double whammy of bad ideas.  Several of my archaeology colleagues at the University of Kentucky have been talking about the recent news that Spike TV and National Geographic are planning two new shows that basically [...]

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